Friday, April 11, 2008

Thank You

For all the comments about my hair. I think this lovely wind has carried my comments up to my hair dresser because she called me this morning to ask how my hair was. Either that or she could tell I was not to impressed when I left there Wednesday evening. Now, don't get me wrong... she really does cut good hair. And I have recommended her to alot of people. AND she does great with my kids and their hair. This is just a bad cut. She apologized all over herself and ask what she could do. I told her short of glueing my hair back on, NOTHING! Anyway...tomorrow morning Rick and I are hitting the garage so we can get it cleaned out. For many reasons:
1) I am having a garage sale next weekend and would like to be able to have it inside because of the weather
2) I would like to be able to park the vehicle inside, especially with the weather.
3) really needs it.
Not much more than that going on that I know of. Have a great weekend. And if you happen to think you see me this weekend and your not quite sure,'s me, it's the hair.