Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy, Sad, Happy, Sad

It's such a mixed feeling day for me! I am so excited because I AM GOING TO CROP*A*GANZA!!!! I can't wait! I have plans already to be productive! Hopefully it will still happen. children leave for Oklahoma today! They go every year to our family reunion at this time but I hate it every year that they are gone. They leave today about noon and will come home sometime on Sunday late afternoon! Tomorrow is SummerTime's class and I can't wait! I actually have pictures this time. Well...kinda! Hope everyone has an awesome weekend. I'm off to get Chase out of School so he can go! Thought for the day...

Right-handed people live, on an average, live nine years longer than left-handed people. (Glad to be right handed.)


Summer said...

aHHHH both my boys are lefties :( eeks!!!!

aday said...

I will miss seeing you tomorrow. Carlee is dancing at a football game.