Wednesday, January 16, 2008

WELL...I was right. We were at the eye doctor forever yesterday. An 1 1/2 to be exact. But they were looking at Chase and I both. He did such a good job. He starts having almost like panic attacks anytime that he gets really nervous or scared. They now do the glaucoma testing different now. Instead of blowing the air puff in your eye they put these numbing drops in there and touch your eye ball with this instrument. His eyes got HUGE when they told him that but he did a really good job. He is more near sited than last year and needs a new presciption. I on the other hand am Near Sited in my right eye, Far Sighted in my Left Eye and have a stigmatism in both eyes. HELLO. My grandma Wanda used to say, "You get your ass fixed and your head goes crazy!" Or vice versa. The more I go through life the more I believe it. I just had surgery on my bottom half to get it fixed and now my eyes are crazy. Anyway, I am going to back to Curves today and can't wait. I have to resign my forms and make sure nothing has changed and then bring on the exercise. This morning after Chase got up he was complaining that it was hurting him to eat because of his loose tooth. He asked me to pull it for him. I almost hit the floor that he even asked. He would let it stay in there forever instead of have somebody pull it. But I guess it was hurting him bad enough he wanted it done. I told him to pull it and eat his breakfast so we could go to school. I went to get Tori up and when I came back 20 minutes later he was still messing with it. So I pulled it out. No wonder it was hurting, he had another tooth under it. I didn't even have to hardly touch it and it came right out. It was so little compared to his other teeth. Anyway...having a great day.


aday said...

I give you kudos girls, kids with loose teeth make me woozy.